Friday, November 21, 2014

Will you be the change or let the change happen for you?

                       So I was thinking about what could I possibly write this week to stimulate my commenters mind. Today's focus will be on domestic violence in Memphis. As of last year in 2013 the domestic violence rates have decreased since last summer. Domestic violence involves the behavior which involves violence or sexual abuse by one person against another in a domestic context like cohabitation or marriage. Domestic violence can happen in heterosexual  as well as homosexual relationships. This type of violence can happen  as verbal, emotional, physical, economic and sexual. Most of the time these cases happen when the perpetrator believes that abuse is okay and right to perform. Victims of Domestic violence could be escalate in to tragic situations from isolation, the perpetrator believes in power and control, financial issues, fear, insecurities and in some cases a way to protect their families. Domestic violence can lead to mental, physically, chronic health problems  and decreases to have healthy relationships in the future. Some things  that we do  to prevent domestic violence is to limit alcoholism in homes, seek help medically or even seek law enforcement to help prevent the worst effect which is death. Another way to prevent domestic violence is to be aware of the your surroundings and events that happen in your community. So my question for you guys is in a Marx, Sartre, Nietzsche philosophy way, What are your suggestions on how to decrease domestic violence in the Memphis area??

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion I would probably go with the Sarte way. A person has the power to do whatever they want they have freedom of the mind. Freedom of the mind correlates to freedom of the body. Domestic violence has gotten larger because we have let it get bigger. I don't see the reason to revolt like Marx believes to make a change, especially considering the number of people in domestic violence is not everyone. A person has the choice to remove themselves from domestic violence people say that is an extremely hard thing to do, but that bring back to it the persons choice. The only way in my opinion to fix this problem is to encourage people to take the first step to solving this problem and that is to get out, if they don't make the choice for themselves and then there is nothing no one else can do.


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