Friday, November 14, 2014

Good vs. Bad

Today's post is going to be about Nietszche version of what is moral goodness. "What is the values of value, saying something is morally good or morally right". Doc J gave us the definition that "good" promotes health and beauty. To be good is to be noble and powerful and happy. Then the opposing is bad which is sickness, weakness and ugliness.  A person can define good in really way. I define good something being morally right. What do you consider good and bad and taking into the account of being moral or unmoral.


  1. Good in my opinion is what you do for others, and the people around you. Bad is what I don't do to help people.

  2. Being or doing good I think is really something from the heart. You have to want and have a will to do good. Doing good makes others feel good and want to be around you. Doing or being bad is just doing things just to be doing them and not thinking about the consequences or the feelings of others.

  3. Good I think mean how you treat other. When you do things for them and you do it from the heart. Bad in my opinion is just doing what you want to do to people and don't think about their feelings or the out come of the things you do.

  4. I totally disagree with Nietszche in this subject. I do not believe that being good will make you powerful or happy. There are plenty of powerful rich people that live lonely lives. As a matter of fact there are many beautiful people that lack the happiness that a lot of sick people have. We can look at people who suffer from cancer for example, the fact that they value life so much more than healthy people. Human beings are individually gifted, you will be surprised by how strong the weakest individual is.

  5. Good and bad is how we personally define it through experiences that we've been in. So I believe that good morally is acting in a good manner where its pleasing to others and bad is affecting others in a bad manner and you as well. For example, Bad could be when someone decides to rob the bank or murder someone. Doing bad things shouldn't make you feel powerful but weaker. An example of good is when someone feeds the homeless or give someone a ride to their house or whatever. Those things should be recognized more than Nietzche's definition


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