Friday, October 31, 2014

Where do this stuff come from Friedrich Nietzsche??

                  The Genealogy of Morals questions the moral judgment based on the genealogy method. Friedrich Nietzsche uses history of different moral concept to form concepts of his own. Friedrich Nietzsche had a different concept when it comes  to the good/bad and good/evil. Slave Morality and master morality was the two terms he used in his essay to symbolize the good and bad. He believed that the strong, beautiful, healthy, and free people who classified their happiness as good should represent the good. The weak, ugly, sick, and unhealthy is considered as the bad because there weakness is unpleasant and undesirable. The slave revolt mortality empowers the morally empowered and believe that  they're beloved by God which makes them happy, powerful, noble and good. Well, the masters believe otherwise. The masters believe that being good, noble, powerful, and happy will make God love them. The slaves also can believe in the  beatitudes which means that God loves the weak, the poor, the meek, the pure in heart and he doesn't discriminate because you fit in a certain category.
                     Friedrich Nietzsche also explain the difference between the noble mode of valuation and slavish mode of valuation. The Noble Mode of valuation is the "yes saying", and the good determined first which means you think about the bad after the fact. Also you could say that the Noble mode of valuation basically tells you what to do. The slavish Mode of valuation is the "evil" determined and "good" is the opposite. It's the "no saying", reactive, and tells you what not to do. An example of a noble mode of valuation is taking advantage of the weak because you're stronger and bigger than them. A good example of the slavish mode of valuation is that you can't take advantage of the weak because they are weak and not able to defend themselves.
                 What does the term  Übermensch  mean?  Übermensch  is the super man or the over-man. This is the trans valuation of all values and the creator of all values. However, Nietzche used this term as an vision not a theory. He uses this term to say that we should strive as humans to be the creators of new values and  the solutions to problems. So this person that is a   Übermensch  realizes their full potential as a person who thinks for themselves and not to fit in with a crowd or group.

Noble and slavish

Neitzsche describes the noble man as a person in power.  He talks about the nobles in a way that they are people who are out going, and doing things in different ways,  not being normal or of the usual go with the flow group.  The slavish man is described in my opinion a person that just goes with the flow,  and just wants to get by in life.  They are people that are the normal everyday person.  What Neitzsche wants to do is eradicate those people that will say no first,  and not take the risk.  He wants people to be powerful,  and to do things that people would call  not normal,  he thinks that we should go about being active and adventurous rather than be cowardous.

Noble and Slavish.

Today in class we discussed the difference between noble and slavish mode valuation. The noble of valuation is the determination of the good first and the bad second. The slavish of valuation is the determination of evil first and good second. In today's society there are different ways to teach a child which of these ways do you think is more effective. I feel as if these two are very distinct. I think we should take significantly into account the "no" and the "yes". Should we teach children "yes this is the positive" and encourage the positive. Today like said in class an example of "no" is the Ten Commandments because often before we are told the good, it's often no don't do this or that. How do you think we should approach learning etc using these two examples. Obviously it's good to have a mixture but that's not the option.

Weakness and Strength

Today, we talked about Nietzsche's philosophy and one of the points that I agree with is that it is absurd to expect the strong not to express their strength and the weak to express their weakness as strength. I like this point because I don't think it makes any sense for someone to hide their strength just because it makes other people weaker. If someone have a certain strength, instead of oppressing it and hide it away, it would be more beneficial if they use their strength for their own good and also for the good of society. And if someone is weak, it doesn't make sense to express their weakness and expose it further because they won't be able to improve their weakness and would actually strengthen that weakness.

Let's say that a person's weakness is stupidity, wouldn't it make more sense for them to try and improve their state rather than expressing this weakness more? If this person starts trying to be more informed and get more education, they will improve their weakness as they get smarter. If this person express the weakness more, then their condition wouldn't improve ,instead it would worsen their weakness.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


The other day in class we were talking about essay topics and gamergate was mentioned. So I thought to myself what in the world is that. So I researched for a while and now I am going to share my knowledge a bit to shed light on the name. While gamergate sounds like some awe-inspiring thing that all gamers strive to reach and pass through, it is really kind of a horrific thing. Gamergate is a hashtag term that people have been using to go for or go against a movement gamers have started to verbally abuse and threaten female gamers and game producers because apparently 'women do not belong on them'. It started when an angry ex boy friend wrote a nasty blog about a young female game designer. Gamers became mad and started to threaten her as well as tell her to kill herself. It has spread to all female gamers who will reveal themselves and then have their lives hacked and public information put up for all to see and abuse. It is a terrible sexist scandal that should come to a halt soon, but probably won't. So what does everyone think about gamergate now? This can all aply to Nietzsche because women have always been seen as the weaker sex so they were originally 'bad' but when morals came around their weakness was seen as strength. Well now the gamers are treating women badly and society is looking down on them for it because of our morals.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


When we talked about the veil of ignorance it made me think about how most of the time many people are behind a veil like this. Sometimes the veil may be hiding different things that the person behind it may not know, or sometimes the person may choose to not acknowledge what is behind the veil.  When people are forced to stay bend a veil it may be because they choose to or the are left in the dark. A veil can be something as a shield for people that do not what to see a reality or that are scared to face a truth. A veil can also serve as something that a person chooses  to put up because they do not want someone to know something. Do you think that a veil can serve as a good or bad thing for people? Would it matter if they used it to defend themselves of other people or just themselves from things people say?

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

Racial Profiling

One topic we discussed in class today is how differently society treats people simply based on how they look. One example was racial profiling at the airport like, being pulled for a “random” search simply because of his/her skin color. One debate discussed was that people shouldn’t feel okay with these actions simply because “it happens all the time” or “it’s become something I’m used to.” It seems as though this has become an increasing problem. Minorities have simply accepted that this is the way it is and it’s not going to change. That state of mind irritates me. It doesn’t matter if that’s the way it’s going to be, it’s WRONG. As Dr. J said, we need to get mad about that. We need to not let that be okay. What kind of a world do we live in where people constantly think about if they’re going to get chosen for a random search or be followed around in a store or even be arrested because of their skin color? The close-mindedness of so many people is so sickening.

Rawls emphasizes the “veil of ignorance.” He also encourages us to “imagine a world” in which we would define our actions by something that would work for everyone, something that we cannot change for our advantage. This idea would definitely benefit the world we live in now. If we could change the rules of society to ones that would benefit everyone, people wouldn’t have to worry about being profiled.

"Some animals are equal but some are more equal than others."-Animal Farm by George Orwell

The problem with equality is that is not equal. In fact, is impossible to live in a society where everyone will be equal; the Russians tried it and failed. I am not saying that equality is bad, but I do not agree with is that there are people taking advantage of their situation. I agree with Rawls theory of justice and admire it. We should all definitely be free and equal. As well as help become  equal those that have it more difficult.  The problem is that as time passes we forget about those ideas. What was intended to work a certain way is manipulated by some for their benefit. The person who cuts the cake usually is not fair and when the other person chooses the size, it takes more than it should. That screws up the other people who are waiting for their piece. In a bigger scale, we have a high class, middle class and lower class. The rich believe that by giving them tax cut their money will some how travel to the pockets of the middle and lower class. Therefore, they should get richer and richer every day for the benefit of all. As a result, a tax increase for the middle class. The poor, are becoming poorer and poorer every day. They have it hard enough, so what do we do?  Give them tax return and economic support such as food stamp, health insurance and other benefits. There is nothing wrong with that, as a matter with fact, is how it is the best to do and how it should be. The purpose of that is to help raise families from the bottom and give them a better future. The problem is that the people who have it become dependent on it and the ones who don't need it apply for it. So what does the government do to satisfy the demand? More tax increases for the middle class.

My argument is not that we should get rid of this policies. We just need to correct the malfunctions. If we were to give an update to political system of the United States it will be by eliminating the Republican and Democratic parties. The Republicans want benefits for the rich and the Democrats benefits for the poor. They haven't realized that if they unite and work together for the country and not self interest. Also, the election process, should not be in the matter of popularity (votes) it should be in the matter of intelligence. There should be an intelligence test for every person who wants a sit in the government in order to determine who is best determined for the position. That is the only way we can find out who is best fitted for the situation. Maybe, we should experiment by putting an Engineer as president and see how the country will change its path.