Saturday, November 1, 2014

Who Will Win?

In class we talked about the strong and the weak. While strong forces will always overpower the weaker ones, is there anything that can be done to avoid that? According to Nietzsche, is it some that is just the force of nature.  Just like we do not expect a lamb to suddenly stand up for its self against its predator, Nietzsche says that we should not expect the weak to suddenly take up and fight against the strong. This is a theory that has made me wonder why is it that we allow our society to behave this way. Essentially we are allowing the strong people to be toned down to the standard of the weak ones. Why should a person that is strong, smart, and beautiful have to behave in such way that allows those that are not the same to compete with them? Because or society wants to give everyone an equal opportunity to those weaker being as to those stronger ones. Is this something that is fair? This is a dog eat dog world and Nietzsche is saying that the bigger dog should eat the smaller dog without warning, is this something that can benefit our world today if we started to behave like Nietzsche believes. To me it seems like if we allow the world to behave like this it will become vicious, there will be no balance to keep the strong people and the weaker ones from eliminating one another.  Would it be better to keep society how it is and just allow the strong to prey on the weak or will it be better to keep this balance that “allow” groups to have some sort of fairness system in place?


  1. I, personally, would not like to live in a world where the strong give no thought to the weak. Total, complete equality is impossible, of course. Some will always be more beautiful, smarter, stronger, healthier, etc. But we can certainly make strives to ensure that we all have equal access to education, medical care, food. While in nature the lion thoughtlessly eats the lamb, we humans are pretty unnatural already. We have created cities, glasses, braces, air conditioning, etc. We are not living in nature, so why do we keep saying that helping the weak is unnatural? Even if it is, why should we care that it's unnatural, since we obviously don't mind going against nature?

    Personally, I think our current society is too in in favor of the rich, the able, the strong. There are children selling gum on the street in Mexico, they sleep under bridges, and when they get sick no one helps them. The US is only slightly better--though let's be real, it's the rich that have all of the power in this country. I think it's fair to ask the "strong" not to trample on the weak

  2. I agree with Thalia’s thought of not letting the “strong” trample the weak. Some of the “good” qualities discussed by Nietschze include beauty, strength, intelligence etc. Some of the qualities are qualities that one must be born in to, but others could certainly be obtained. For example, intelligence could be obtained by someone who seeks to have more knowledge but at the same time hold one of the qualities of the “stronger” people. Those who have been deemed as weak can certainly change the way they are labeled, in my opinion. Just because you are dumb, doesn’t mean that you have to be dumb forever. Other qualities such as health wouldn’t fit into this idea because obviously there are instances in which one cannot obtain health.

    So one question is, is it morally good to not let the strong trample the weak or is it our duty to help those less fortunate be all they can be? I guess charity would fit in, also. Helping others have the opportunities to be better people, to be smarter, in some cases be healthier people. In not letting the strong trample the weak are they helping the weak rise to the occasion or simply not acting in an overpowering manner?

  3. Yeah of course we all want to live in world in where equality exists. Thousands of wars have been fought to overthrow the strong ones because their power permits them to do so. Is not fair, I agree, that people who have the most think they can step on me. The truth is that they will always do, unless if I bring my self to their level. If they stronger than me, then I should do something to become strong. If they have more money than me, I should do something that will bring me richness, If they are smarter than me, I am also able to learn as much they do. My point is that thanks to the strong ones I can become a better person. I would not ask them to make me like them or for them to become like I. We also need to acknowledge that there will always be someone better than us.

  4. I like what Orlando said. If you want to improve at something then you will associate yourself with those that do it the best. I agree with Thalia's Idea that everyone should get those basic necessities. I think everyone should be able to have good homes, eat right, and live well. Anything past that, however, I think we need inequality. I think it is a necessary evil for growth. Everyone is not going to make it all the time, and there might not be anything you can do about.
    Even if you weaken yourself out of pity or consideration, it won't change the situation of the weak so what would be the point. In my opinion if you care about someone to the point that you would make yourself worse off, you should do the opposite instead. "Since my friend can't do this I'm going to go twice as hard for them" something like that.

  5. I agree with Orlando in that the having people in the world that do better than you inspire you to do better, and what person doesn't want to improve their way of living. It is the strong that inspire the weak hearted or weak of faith. It would be nice to have the whole world equal but we don't live in a perfect world. But it seems like in todays world its like the old saying the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The strong or rich seems to always pick on the weak. There are some good people who are strong that inspire others but there is always the strong that just enjoy keeping the weak down and out.

  6. I believe that "good" qualities can be found inside of every single individual. They are just in different quantities. Everyone is strong/beautiful/smart and can achieve it all they strive to. Who is to decide who is smart? Strong? Beautiful? I often find myself admiring rare beautiful things that other find weird or unattractive. I also find that "strength" comes in different shapes. A person's upbringing has a lot to do with how they perceive strength- for example I find people who can stand the cold weather to be some kind of strong because I sure cannot tolerate it.

  7. I believe that qualities are things that you are born with, so everyone is born with good qualities, even if an individual doesn't know it yet.

  8. No, I do not think that society should stay how it is. Society today is not right. In todays society gives you no opportunity for growth. Where you stated that society gives wants to give everyone equal opportunity to those weaker than stronger; I disagree. society is all about who is stronger at something. For example: you cant apply for a job unless you have so much experience. We as college students come to school, graduate and once we get a degree its hard to find a job in our field due to the lack of experience that we have. But we can't succeed to become stronger if no one is willing to give us the opportunity for growth. I believe society as a whole should give everyone the opportunity for growth. No matter if you are smart, rich, dumb, college graduate, etc. Everyone need the opportunity to get the skills to advance in whatever it is that they want to do with life. Never having the opportunity to become wiser at something will never give you the opportunity to become strong at something or smarter to it with the opportunities of errors and fixes.


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