Friday, November 21, 2014


According to Marx, there are reasons why the class struggle under capitalism is violent, for example the underling reason for the current violence in Mexico was essentially over the disparity between the classes, the rich and the poor. The 43 college students that were murdered in while protesting over this very subject matter, which in turn has incited protest and violence from the other citizens of Mexico, demanding the resignation of their current president, Piña Nieto. As a historical recurrence, nation’s leaders become greedy, complacent, and separate their selves from the needs of the poor, the people they’re supposed to lead. We see that over and over again in history, but we are seeing the people rise up to their leaders with more frequency lately. It is as if the people are starting to realize that the power is in the masses. The leaders fail to recognize that their source of power and wealth is derived from the Proletariat, the poor, the working class. Without us to generate an economy and society in which government leaders are necessary and rich people can amass wealth their status in life would not be possible.

“What one generation learns, the next one forgets” a truer statement has yet to be made. Look to our past to see our future.

Following pictures are from the protest held in Mexico on Nov 1st

1 comment:

  1. From the look of these pictures this was something that the people in Mexico were truly passionate about. If more people responded in this way there could be many changes done for the better in the communities about us.


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