Friday, September 19, 2014

Why Are We Afraid?

When talking in class we talked about how we feared losing someone we are so deeply in love with, and afraid of death. We are so afraid of losing someone that we are so deeply in love with.  We don’t want to lose it because of the happiness they bring. Lose them because you don’t want them to see them make the next person happy, when your feelings are still deeply with that person. When we have someone that we are deeply in love with we do everything we can to keep them happy, we are so afraid that if someone else can come along and do everything to keep them happy that they will walk right out. We are also afraid not knowing when someone could just fall out of love with you and walk out of our lives. We are also afraid of the pain that being in loves bring. The sleepless nights, wondering what he could be doing and hoping that he is thinking of you and hoping that he will pick up the phone and call you. When deeply in love and thinking about if a person might leave we always think to say to ourselves are we doing everything  we can to keep someone happy that I don’t lose who I love so dearly. But sometimes losing people in our lives could gain us something so much better. Another thing that we spoke on in class is being afraid of the unknown. We are so afraid of things that we can’t see. Far as death, we are afraid because we don’t know where we will end up. If we are either going to heaven or hell we never know, as far as every day we have our day planned saying that once we finish class we are going home. The fact we don’t fear going home is because we have seen home we know how home feel because we have experienced home for ourselves besides us reading or someone telling us about it. Heaven or hell is not like a place that we can visit and come back to tell our friends how the visit was. That’s just like when someone tell you about a place they visit they are not afraid to visit because someone has visualized it and have seen it unlike death. No man can tell you about death even though we do read it in the bible and it tell us not to fear it it’s the fact that we can’t experience death and come back to earth.  So, why do we cry when we lose someone is deeply? When we don’t have to go through the suffering and hurt anymore. Why do we really fear death, is it because that we are not living right and we are not sure where we might go? Or the fact that no one walking earth can actually tell you how much you will love heaven once you are there, or how much you will not like hell when you get there.


  1. People should not have to be feared. I think that you are trying to say that hedonism is based on just living life with out fear and not have to worry about going to heaven or hell because in their eyes there is nothing for anyone when they die. To them its like THE END.

  2. I think the reason we before the "loss" of something/someone is because we don't know what happens next. Just like you mentioned, we are afraid of the "unknown". We don't know if in the future we would find ourselves in a good position or not according to the circumstance we live on. As a consequence we fear not having those we love next to us, because who knows how our lives would be with out them right? I must say that I strongly agree with your post, because what I fear the most is not clearly seeing where I'm heading in life or death.

  3. You've got a great interpretation of what is it about death that we fear so much. I am not afraid of dying but I am afraid of losing another loved one, but mainly my parents. I could only imagine me being so alon. I don't even think about where I will go after my time here in this earth. To answer your question, I think everyone might be afraid of being all alone on this earth after losing a person close to them to death.

  4. I think we fear death for ourselves because we have no idea what its going to be like. Like said above we can go home and we know generally what to expect. The idea of dying is we truly have know concept of what is going to happen we could say based off our own religion we going to Heaven or Hell. Everyone who studies a different religion has their own version of what is going to happen after we die, so we really don’t know, and the unknown is terrible we are naturally very “nosey” individuals. Not only do we want to know but we are afraid of being without other people we have grown dependent on and love. Loving someone rather it’s a parent and a partner, we become invested in those people. Those people become apart of us you look to them for advice, enjoy time with them and ultimately they make oneself happy. But we are terrified of the thought of loosing thing, because we are afraid of what our own life would be like without them their. The fear of not knowing and loosing people I think ultimately terrifies people of death.

  5. I believe that the reason we fear death is in part because we are afraid of the "unknown" but also because we are afraid of losing the pleasures that are in life. Like Kirk Douglas said in the 1960's movie Spartacus "When a free man dies, he loses the pleasure of life. A slave loses his pain. Death is the only freedom a slave knows. That's why he's not afraid of it." That is to say that the fear of dying partly depends on your status in life, for example if lived in a North Korean concentration camp death would be a welcomed thing, but if you are a Hollywood movie start, the aspect of death would terrified you.

  6. I think as humans we are afraid because we don't know what will happen next. To live in a place where you never know what happen to you is kind of hard to wrap your head around, so we go threw life being afraid because you never know what to aspect. I believe none of that matters because if you spend your days thinking about thing like that you will never be happy just live life one day at a time and make the best of it.

  7. I believe that if people go through life worrying or fearing things too much they will miss every opportunity in life, but if they do not fear or worry about things they will just be reckless. The key would be to find a medium between having to much fear and not enough.


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