Friday, September 19, 2014

Under the Influence

                                                          The most craziest thing a person can do is to believe they're in complete control of their own fate. When we desire for something to happen we all want things to go a certain way. The truth is that the events in our lives will never happen the way that we picture it even if we crossed our fingers hoping to attain it. However, before you do something you have to first realize and understand the actions that are about to take place. Many people miss out on the opportunities in life because we are afraid of the unknown. Death for example is a part of life and we all have to experience it once. That is something completely out of control and we don't know how we're going to leave this earth. Epictetus believes that we can control only certain things in life like our desires, impulses, and our own actions  Our inheritance of possessions, or even our reputations aren't in our control.
                      We as people stress so much on how we will leave the earth as how people around us will view us as an individual. Don't be consumed by others and urge yourself to be like them. Strive to be yourself because that's what you're destined to be. What people forget is that when you're dead none of those things will matter. The main focus is to  live a life to the full extent and try to control  and change the things that are possible. Also, the message is supposed to point out that you shouldn't live by what others think or expect of you. Live life as the way that you desire. You have to keep a mindset that your life is like a dinner party. If you're offered something then you must accept it in moderation. Don't reach for it until the opportunity is present to accept. Another point is that some people are on a mission to harm or hurt you in life. You have a choice to  either show your emotions or keep it to yourself. If you let it bother you to the point where others can see makes the person who intentionally harmed you happy because they achieved that mission. Not everyone in life is good. When you boast about your riches and inheritance doesn't necessarily make you better than the next person. Whatever morals that you may have try to stay true to them and follow them as if you were obeying a government law avoiding consequences. Remind yourself that you're worthy of life and it has a purpose. If you don't want someone to offer your body to a stranger then don't let anyone become in complete  control of your mind.


  1. You are correct. We can be here today and next day is our presence can be unknown. What would be the point of making our life more complicated than already is by questioning what will happen after death. There is no way to stop her and instead of closing the door we should leave it open and welcome her.

  2. Orlando, Another big mistake people make is that we focus on tomorrow instead of trying to fulfill today. We take our lives for granted thinking we'll live here on earth forever when that's not the case. Worrying about the unknown means that when we leave this earth we can't determine if we're spiritually going anywhere but believing that it we'll end up in a good place eternally. Don't be afraid of life because it's a beautiful thing and seize the day.

  3. Orlando, this philosophy can be applied to many situations. Take the choice of companionship for example, It should not be based upon emotions or physical appearances. It should be based upon qualifications such as: employment, mutual interests and goals and morals to name a few. Our emotions are time framed because with life our interests evolve and change. Physical appearances alone will not support a relationship for a long period of time. Therefore, we should build our choice of companions based on qualifying factors, not the flights of our emotions.

  4. I think the idea of focusing on life-after-death is a noble pursuit, but perhaps not one of those "intrinsic good" things that a lot of philosophy takes into account. In all things, we have to look towards the future, and try to understand what we are capable of understanding so that we can make proper decisions. But the issue with not worrying about the after-life is that it can possibly lead people to a certain kind of moral ambiguity (this is NOT an absolute by any means, though). Logically, if there is no judgement after death, why bother with any sort of good behavior? Given the ring story again, most people would abuse the power of invisibility for their own personal gain, because they can avoid the problems that come with the consequences.
    If we are to take that into account as truth as well as Epicurean philosophy, then we have no reason for acting morally beyond the consequences socially speaking. But this is Stoicism, which I suppose is kind of similar in regards to "don't worry about it", and not so much in regards to it not being anything at all. Not really sure if Stoics believe in an afterlife, but morality needs it, in my opinion.
    I personally believe that human beings are at their heart corrupt, and thus good is only accomplished by fear. Even the idea that we get to sit at the table with the Gods is a kind of reward, and therefore judgement is involved, because they are deeming us good or bad. If there is no intrinsic value in morality, it ceases to have purpose beyond social manipulation (we make people think we're "good" so they will give us what we want from them). Without a life after death, a lot of things become "intrinsic goods" whose only purpose in pursuing them is for their own sake, rather than for any greater sake. It all lacks a higher purpose, which is fine, but perhaps not enough to keep people from becoming twisted individuals.
    Then again, I've met plenty of people who justify earthly action with purpose for the "next" or afterlife, and those actions were terribly harmful towards other individuals. Again, the golden mean is something important.

  5. I completely disagree with the sentence where you talk about people not being in control of their own fate. Granted, we are not in complete control of our own fate like you said, but we have more control over it then what we believe. Most people are not forced to do things that they do not want to do, people always have a choice even though they may not like them.


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