Friday, October 3, 2014

Happiness is in seeking higher pleasures?

Is it truly a happy thing to be constantly learning or training all the time? At some point you have to stop, don't you? I know people who are happy constantly pursuing goals. I also know twice as many people who are happy being content. Growing up I've heard the phrase " learn to be happy with what you've got", constantly. Coming from an African-American family perhaps that has just been a method passed down to deal with an oppressive society. Still even today however with life marginally better they still use this saying, and with some success. So, why can't a person be happy as well as content? How can a person ever claim to be happy if they are never satisfied?


  1. I feel like it is human nature to want more no matter how much that person already has. I feel like content can only bring happiness for a small period of time. While sometimes that content may fill someone a certain whole that they need to bee filled it may not be happiness.

  2. I think that your whole article is simply based on opinion being content and being happy are different and similar ideals, I think is is truly based on the scenario. Learning to be happy with what you receive I think is better, if your parents work hard and give you thing then you should be happy with those things because you dent earn them. On the other hand your the limit to your potential. Being content in this scenario almost seems like your saying this is what I have. School is going to take me to law school then a job, I am going to be happy because I know I tried my best its not really content in that since I don't think. I think we simply choose for the most part when goals come, obviously there is life and we can't control that.

  3. I think if you are never satisfied you are not a happy person. I say this because if you are happy then you are satisfied with everything you have. Being happy is being satisfied because by definition satisfied means to be please and happy is synonym for the word. So in my opinion a person can not be happy if they are not satisfied and vice verse.


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