Sunday, December 14, 2014

So I thought I was a commentor, not a writer, but you guys are in luck I am here! Cheers to semester almost being over.

The other day in the commercial appeal, my mother pointed out that CBU is ranked 26th in the nation! How is that I am in school, thats ranked so high, but from my experience I would rank it lower on the list. CBU is not all bad, in fact from what I have heard the engineer department is great! For a school to be ranked so high, shouldn't it be great in many fields of study? Obviously schools are notorious for being dominantly great in different fields, so I guess that can be explained. The experience is a new one, I question transferring and I want to, but they say don't make hasty decisions when some other aspects of your life haven't went as planned. My parents are not for the transfer neither is anyone else, but honestly who would want to leave a school as great as CBU is being portrayed, apparently I do, and many others that made this new journey with me. I am not doing bad grade wise at CBU, average, not spectacular. I guess my conclusion is to just keeping trying. There must have been a reason I was placed here, this is probably along with attaining a degree, a life lesson to never give up or to understand as cliche' as it sounds when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. It is crazy to think everyone in the class and world is going through their own journey, and just like me, CBU has been apart of it, who knows what the future holds but I am trying to be optimistic. Thats a little of my story now tell me about your experience at CBU?

1 comment:

  1. I understand that part of your journey since I've been struggling over the same issue. I remember many people saying how great of a school CBU was, and how I was going to learn way more things than I did at victory. I was honestly glad to attend such a prestigious school, but once I got here I realized that "prestige" was only in the name. Even though Victory was a small school I felt that I learned and received a better education. The teachers actually taught me to love education and the subjects I was learning. Everyday was a new challenge since they inspired me to learn different things. I'm not saying CBU is a bad school, but I feel that some of the teachers push the students to value their grades over the education they are receiving. All I can say is give it another try! (like I am). Like you said, there is a purpose in why we (Victory students) ended here.


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