Sunday, December 7, 2014

Fake Profiles

As we have been watching Catfish in class I couldn't help be examine my personal life when it comes to making friendships via Internet, specially now a days when the internet  forms a great part of our daily lives. Most of our time and efforts are now spent behind the screen of a computer, smart phones, and for some of us our wrist watches. Technology has become a part of our life and we cannot help to make or maintain relationships through some sort of social network. When it comes to friends and family it can be a great way to maintain communication. However with the ever growing technological advances it is inevitable to encounter the negative side of a social network. This includes encountering pedophiles, sex offenders, bullies, etc. In the show we get a good example of the downside of social networking; it turns out that Meg was only a fake profile being used by Abby's mom. Now the good thing about this situation is that Angela was not really a harmful person, yet this situation reveals that it is so easy for an individual to pretend to be someone who he/she is not.

Moreover, if a person of bad intentions was to create a fake profile the outcome would have probably been completely different. It could have probably ended up in rape, murder, or who knows what.  As I mentioned before, this show has made me examine the risks of social networking and how dangerous it can be even when it comes to talking to people that you know. Just as Angela used pictures from people she actually knew, anyone I know could also be using my pictures for whatever intentions or purposes. What is y'alls feedback on this situation? would you talk to someone you've never met?

1 comment:

  1. I would talk to someone but I wouldn't engage into a relationship like Nev did in the film. I think to have a normal relationship you have to interact with people and meet them


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