Sunday, December 7, 2014

internet dating

I have had many friends or people I have known who tell me they are 'dating' a guy or girl they met online and I always ask them the same thing, have you ever actually met this person in real life? The usual answer I get is no, but then they will add on something sweet like but here is a picture of them, or but they are so sweet, or my favorite we have skyped before. Call me old fashioned but I think you should actually know a person before you date them, I mean in the real world. Just because you hang out on that one internet website or something does not mean you have met this person. For all you know it could be an obese guy that never showers pretending to be that pretty little blonde girl in your little photo. Just because someone on the internet says something by no means means it is true.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree I'm old fashioned as well. I think its okay to talk to someone online as a associate level but far as dating and such then that's a no. I know some people have successfully met someone online and they lived happily ever after with their mate but those chances of that happening are slim. I have to admit I did meet a guy once that I chatted with on fb and we became friends. However, he didn't lie on his profile about his appearance nor his life. But he wasn't a nice guy either so you really have to be careful of who you decide to converse with.One reason I don't condone online dating is more because you really don't know who's behind the computer it could be a axe murderer or something. You just don't know. I think people are getting to lazy with dating nowadays I mean whats so wrong about waiting til you find the one in person? True love does exists!


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