Monday, September 8, 2014

Does Your Soul Feel Just?

In America we are given the right to follow our own type of free will. Also, we have two choices: we can either follow the written laws or break them knowing that we'll soon suffer future consequences. In today's society the enforced law is made to help shape people's belief but also make those aware of how serious a person's life can be affected by wrong doing. Socrates teaches us about justice and what it really means to be a just person. A just person isn't guaranteed a reward for doing right or a punishment for doing wrong. However, he aims for us to understand that being fair and just is better in the long run in order to become satisfied in life itself .

Socrates also points out that education is better to facilitate when you have the right mindset to learn rather than gathering several amounts of knowledge to just consume in one time. We have two types of worlds: the visible and intelligible world. The visible world is when we're able to observe and visualize the events going on in our surroundings. The intelligible world doesn't require visualization but it can be considered as abstract. Socrates pushes the idea of the that living a just life is the way to live. Also, being just requires a person to be organized and harmonized spiritually. Think of justice as a way to be close to the Form of Good. The Form of good requires us to not only to be fair but to wise enough to make good decisions in order to satisfy our own soul because that's what just is truly about.

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